How Imported Religions Destabilise Africa

By Zik Gbemre


Nigeria is majorly divided politically by two foreign religions of Christianity and Islam. Religions ought to bring peace but in the Nigerian situation, the two foreign religions have divided the country into two major factions.

Both faiths no longer trust one another. Nobody talks about good governance. It is all religion. It is never about good governance. Africans and Nigerians have fallen into it deeply and it divides the unity, progress, and development of Nigeria, Africa at large.

If one doesn’t belong to any of these two religions it means that person is worshipping idols and he or she is a pagan. Nigerian Christians have become more Catholic than the Pope. Nigerians claim to be holier than those who brought the religions.

If one doesn’t get married in the church, mosque, or the local government registry it means that marriage is a fetish one. If prayers are not said in these two foreign religions before the start of a meeting or official event it means the meeting/event doesn’t have the blessings of God.

For one to claim to be an African traditionalist it means that person is a pagan and idol worshipper. Africans and Nigerians have been brainwashed that our African religion and culture are useless. For one to be a civilized person he or she must use cutlery to eat like the white skin person if not that person is primitive.

With all of these shows of pretenses and eye services, Africa and Nigeria still remain deep in bad governance and corruption.

With the coronation of King Charles III on 6th May 2023, we now hear of ‘STONE OF DESTINY’ as a symbol of the British monarchy. If it were Nigeria they would have exchanged the stone with anointing oil. Chieftaincy titles are no longer conferred in the African shrines (ogwa in Urhobo language). Africans and Nigerians have ignorantly abandoned their religions and culture and are now shy to practice them.

Nigeria is so divided with the two foreign religions that are affecting performance. Imagine young and vibrant people now abandoning work for churches, from Monday to Sunday, for church activities. No country can develop with that. No country can develop if we turn all warehouses and factories into churches and mosques.

Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Vatican City/Italy are making huge revenues from tourism from Africans and Nigerians who troup there for pilgrimages. To them, it is business while to the Africans and Nigerians, it is a passport to heaven. After stealing public funds and you visit these holy countries and cities, your sins are forgiven they assume. To them, they are worshipping God.

You can’t mock an omniscient God. The spread of Christianity and Islam hasn’t brought any good to Nigeria. It brought laziness, pretense, eye service, and stealing in the name of pastoring churches where members are fleeced through offerings and tithes.

God doesn’t need your money and lies. God can’t be deceived. Going on a pilgrimage doesn’t make you holy. If they like let them visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Vatican City/Italy and Mecca/Medina every week, it won’t make them holy. Africans and Nigerians should grow up.

The two imported religions are not helping Nigeria to grow out of ignorance. Development is not merely wishful thinking. If you don’t attend a Church on Sundays and you don’t attend Mosque on Fridays it means you are not a believer and that person is evil that can’t be trusted.

The traditional rulers who are supposed to be custodians of African religions and culture are now wearing British/Bishop robes all over the place in the scorching sunshine inconveniencing themselves as Kings. How many times did Queen Elizabeth II wear robes to roam the streets of London or attend events?

Since King Charles III ascended the throne as the King of England and Head of States and Commander-In-Chief of Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and other countries and Head of the Commonwealth, he has not been seen wearing these robes. King Charles III only wore a robe on his coronation day or may not even wear it or may simply wear his military uniforms as usual.

The robes the British royals wear on rare events are Priest robes as Supreme Head of the Church of England. King Charles III is the Supreme Governor and Archbishop of the Church of England which is equivalent to the Catholic Pope that wears robes.

The Church of England (also known as the Anglican Church) was founded by King Henry VIII in 1534 in England after breaking away from the control of the Pope of the Catholic Church whom he didn’t want to share power in Great Britain (also known as the United Kingdom) in the Roman Catholic Church.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is the most senior cleric of the Church of England and reports directly to the British Monarch. With King Charles III’s coronation, he becomes the Supreme Governor and Archbishop of the Church of England. So Prince Charles III has justification to wear priest robes since the British monarch is the Supreme Head of the Church of England on rare occasions and not on every occasion as the Nigerian Traditional Rulers/Ivies/Emirs wear robes.

I admire the Yoruba Obas for wearing their traditional ‘Agbada’ but as for other traditional rulers/Ivies/Emirs in Nigeria, they wear robes under scorching sun and inconvenience themselves. The robes are not for the tropical weather of West Africa and Nigeria.

So why can’t the traditional rulers/kings wear their traditional attires to promote their culture rather than promoting foreign culture with their dress codes as traditional rulers/Ivies/Emirs. If they don’t promote African and Nigerian culture and dressing attires who will now promote it for them?

The British monarch will never wear African and Nigerian attires. I respect the Yoruba Obas for promoting their culture by wearing Yoruba ‘Agbada’ attires no matter which events they attend in any place of the world. I was impressed when I saw the picture of the Kabiyesi Olowu of Owu (Oba of Owu) with Alistair Soyode Chairman and owner of Ben TV UK as one of the invited guests during the coronation of King Charles III on 6th May, 2023 wearing his white Yoruba ‘Agbada’ attires.

Africans and Nigerians have lost their religion, culture, and dignity. Africans and Nigerians have allowed themselves to be brainwashed in this 21st century. Black Africans and Nigerians see themselves as inferior to other races and colors of people. The Asians are bracing up while the black Africans and Nigerians are downgrading themselves before the White-skinned people.

Africans and Nigerians should be proud of our religion and culture no matter what. We are a blessed people with a rich natural environment, culture, and religion, if only we can promote our culture and utilize our natural resources to the benefit of every person. The downgrading of culture, religion, and dignity is also affecting us as a people that don’t want to grow out of ignorance and develop our potential and abundant natural resources to advantageous positions as we see in Dubai-United Arab Emirates and Doha-Qatar.

Now the white race is now brainwashing Africans and Nigerians to practice same-sex marriage where a man will marry a man and a woman will marry a woman. These are primitive practices that are abominations in Africa and Nigeria. We read that some Western countries allow bestiality (sex with animals). We also read that a city in the Western country allows public sex in open space.

It is not about Christianity but it is an abomination in Africa and Nigeria to practice same-sex marriage and allow bestiality for human beings to have sex with animals. Africans and Nigerians are unique people. Africans and Nigerians must defend and practice our religion and culture and abolish abominable practices.

The white-skinned people have developed water buses (also known as amphibious buses) in Germany that can drive through deep rivers and here black Africans and Nigerians are blinded by two foreign religions with superstitious beliefs.

As said by Michael Egi, “Whether you know it or not my people would eventually know the truth. Even in the western world Christianity and Islam are waning. Just last month here in Baltimore, Maryland, US the catholic church announced that they are closing about 70% of their churches because of declining membership. It may take a while for this trend to get to Africa, but it would surely come, people are getting wiser and knowing that Christianity and Islam are both tools of oppression and control of Africans.

“In Europe, England in particular, many church buildings have been converted to warehouses due to rapidly declining membership. I know in Africa the churches and mosque preachers use the bandwagon and shaming effect tactics to force people to go with the majority.

“I don’t expect people who make a living evangelizing to give up all of sudden and I don’t blame them. I was once like then, if not worse, as a product of colonial and missionary education it’s impossible to escape the religious indoctrination that took place. I became emancipated when I left the country, and started to have value and interest in our indigenous religion and traditions.”

In UK as it was reported in 2022 that most churches are being sold to estate developers and industries owners since most Brits no longer attend church.

And According to online video that has gone viral as narrated that, “100 Scottish churches are up for sale. As the UK turns away from Christianity, the Church of Scotland is parting with a century of history selling off these iconic buildings due to a drastic decline in both worshipers and ministers.

“Shockingly, a 2022 survey showed that less than half of Brits believed in God in a sharp dropped from three quarters in 1981, the UK now ranks among the least religious nations in the world. In a striking contrast, critics say that the British, who built the first church in Nigeria and established Christianity in their colonies, have now seemingly abandoned the faith, leaving it to thrive in places like Nigeria.

“Today, Nigerian churches are not just surviving, they are thriving. However, this passion can sometimes lead to extreme devotion, with individuals refusing medical help or even skipping work for religious reasons. In an even intriguing disparity, Scotland’s historic churches are being sold off, while other churches are packed with religion, deeply influencing daily lives with the proposed sale of 100 churches. Will Christianity continue to be a practiced religion in the UK?”


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